Monday, January 30, 2017

How to Train Your Chest - 4 Exercises to Build Chest Muscle Fast

If you want to tone the muscles in your upper body, you need to train all the muscles in it, and this includes your chest muscle. In order to achieve this, you must be able to perform regular exercises that could revitalize the strength of your cardiovascular system as well as improve your system and endurance. So here are the exercises to help you with how to train your chest muscle.
Exercises to Build Chest Muscle Fast
Bench Press
One of the best exercises for building chest muscle is bench press. To do this, lie flatly on a bench while your feet are on the floor, a little more than shoulder width apart. Use a grip, which is broader than the shoulder width and slowly raise the barbell until such time that your arms are straightened and your elbows are locked on each other.
Another exercise to help you with how to train your chest muscle fast is the push up exercises. Performing pushup is so easy - you just have to kneel on the floor while holding your torso straight and placing your hands on both sides. After that, lower yourself down until your chest will be almost touching the floor, and then go back to the starting position.
Dumbell fly
Another exercise that could help to build chest muscles fast is the dumbbell fly. To do dumb bell fly, lie flat on a bench and slowly lift the dumbbells over your chest while your palms are facing each other. After that, lower down the dumbbells to the sides of your body in an arc-like movement, and while you are at the lowest point, the elbows must be on a horizontal level with the bench. Afterwards, slowly raise the dumbbells in an arc-like motion over your chest.
Dip Exercises are done with the use of a dip bar, thus, the origin of the name. This is done by gripping the two parallel bars and then lifting yourself up to an initial position, so as to support the entire weight of your body. Afterwards, lower yourself to a position where your elbows are bent in a 90-degree angle. Lastly, push yourself up in order to reach the initial position.
Performing these chest exercises is not enough for you to have a toned and well-fit body - you need to also have the right nutrition. Make sure that you consume more calories than usual and practice a right diet which involves eating the right amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Remember that proteins are very important for your muscles, while carbohydrates are what you need in order to be fully energized, which is what is required for you to lift weights. So if you want to know how to train your chest muscle fast, make sure that you take note of all the exercises and tips mentioned above.

Exercise Tips - Best Exercises To Build Muscle Size

Many people workout without really knowing what exercises really add muscle size. All workouts will help you add some muscle, but certain ones add considerable amount of muscle mass. I like to call these the basic exercises for getting big.
Most beginners should start out with these first before moving on to another. Please use strict form and start off with light weight. Take your time while lifting and use full range of motion through out the exercise.
Best Exercises To Build Muscle Size
The squat is by far one of the best exercise you can do for developing muscle. It increases size in the legs and overall body size. This one movement can pack on loads of muscle when done right. I know many people who do just squats for building the lower part of the body.
Bench Press
I love the bench press. It's my favorite exercise to build the chest. Not only does it work the chest, but also develops the shoulders, triceps and abdominal. I recommend adding this to your workout routine to add size to your chest. People can also use dumbbells or barbells to do this exercise.
Dead Lifts
The deadlift is also a great exercise to add to your routine. It works the whole body, especially the back, legs and abdominal. Please be careful with this exercise. You must use strict form and take your time with this one.
Military Press
This is definitely a shoulder builder. If you want big size shoulders this is a must to add to the workout plan. Please start off light then add more weight as you get stronger. This exercise also works the triceps and some of the back.
Wide Grip Pull Downs
Mainly a back exercise this will give you that V-Shaped look. If the person is looking for a defined back muscles, add this to your workout schedule. You will be happy with the results. Also by changing hand position from wide to narrow the individual will be targeting different back muscles.
Barbell Or Dumbbell Curls
Looking for larger arms, bulging biceps. This one exercise can add muscle mass to the arms. Arms are fairly east to grow and curls will do the job. When doing standing curls do not swing back and forth. Lower the amount of weight and stay straight up when doing curls.
Triceps Press
Another arm building exercise. This one will make the back of the arm huge. The back of the arm called the triceps makes up two- thirds of the arm. Most people think the bicep is the biggest part of the arm. That's incorrect the triceps are. Build that part and you will have very large arms.
If you add the exercises I explained to your workout routines you should see an increase in muscle size and definition to your body.
I'm writing this article to help you realize how important exercise and nutrition is to your overall health and physical appearance. Exercise and nutrition helps with arthritis, diabetes, depression, motivation, weight loss, lowering cholesterol, flexibility and muscle definition.

Workout Tips - What Does It Take To Build Muscle?

There are many programs out there showing you how to build muscle. The only problem is if you don't have the motivation to work out, you will never see any results.
In order to build muscle you must have determination to exercise. The only way an individual is ever going to see good results is to set goals for yourself. Without setting goals that person will not see much success. I want you to understand that goals don't have to be huge at the beginning. They could be small goals that a person will set for themselves to get going.
Workout Tips - What Does It Take To Build Muscle?
I like to think of goals as little successes in order for that person not to procrastinate. Everyone at one time or another has procrastinated on things needed to get done. That's why it is important to set your goals from the start of the workout routine.
How does someone go about setting goals in order to start a workout routine? I am going to outline the ways I have been able to stay focused on working out and continue to exercise and make gains in strength and muscle size. I have been able to stay focused because I love to workout and I've made small goals in order to stay in shape. There are three steps I like to follow in order to build muscle and stay in shape.
Never put off something you can do right now. Easier said than done, but if you can accomplish this one thing you will see an improvement in your workouts. Do you find yourself saying I will go to the gym later on or tomorrow? I just don't feel like working out right now. I can always exercise when I have the chance. I'm too tired to exercise.
These are just some of the excuses that people think of, and it works if you allow your mind to control the thoughts. I make up my mind that right now is the best time to workout and never let the negative thoughts enter my brain. Try this technique, I'm sure you will benefit from this mindset.
Set some sort of goals and stop procrastinating. By doing this your muscle gains will increase as well as your strength. One of my goals is to get my workout done in the early morning. Through the years I have found that the morning is the best time for me exercise. I get up, make some coffee, watch the news, then get dressed and go downstairs to start my workout routine. This is something that works for me. You need to find your best time of the day to get to the gym or workout at home. Make that time your time to exercise.
To build muscle you must constantly push yourself to get stronger by adding more weight or repetitions. You would be amazed how fast the body responds when you push it. Now I don't mean hurt yourself by trying to do too much. This is what some people do. Then they get hurt and stop working out altogether. Pushing your body helps you get by plateaus in your exercise routines. This in turn helps the person get stronger and builds muscle.
I tried to help you to understand no matter what exercise program the individual is attempting. You need to find that certain motivation to help you to exercise on a regular basis.

What to Eat for Weight Training - Foods That You Could Not Miss

Before we find out what to eat for weight training, it is important that you understand that your total body weight comprises of the total weight of all bones, muscles, fluids, organs, as well as the fatty layers that's inside it. But among these, the muscles and fats are variable components, which you could manipulate in order to fully achieve your desired body weight. So in order for you to gain weight, you can either increase your muscle mass or the layers of fats that's in your body. Well, of course, you would not want to be filled with several layers of fats in your body, so what you must choose instead is to bulk-up on muscles in order to gain weight.
What to Eat for Weight Training -
The following foods are what you should eat in order to help build your muscles and gain weight.
Milk and other dairy products
Medical expert would always stress out the importance of drinking milk regularly, as well as other dairy products. This is because milk is an excellent source of high quality proteins, which is necessary for muscle growth. Other foods that are rich in protein, which could also promote muscle growth and weight gain in a healthy way, are dairy products like cottage cheese and yogurt.
Nuts, such as walnuts, cashew nuts, almonds and hazelnut
Fats are also necessary for muscle growth and weight gain. But it is important to avoid saturated fat foods because they are known to increase your cholesterol level which is detrimental to your health. Nuts, such as walnuts, cashew nuts, almonds and hazelnuts are among the list of foods that are rich in healthy fats. Anyone who wants to gain weight in a healthy way must incorporate these healthy fat foods to their diet.
Fruits, cereals, bagels, oatmeal, whole wheat bread and vegetables
Carbohydrate enriched foods should be among your list of foods if you want to know what to eat for weight training. As you know, carbohydrates help to maintain our high energy level, which is what we need in order to perform day-to-day activities, especially during our weight training exercises. So begin your day with a healthy, nutritious breakfast, which consists of whole wheat breads, cereals or oatmeal, and your healthy snack must consist of carb enriched foods like dried fruits, grapes or bananas.
For people who are serious about gaining weight and increasing muscle mass, bear in mind that increasing your meal frequency is of utmost important. So instead of eating square meals a day only, you must try to eat up to 6 meals in a day instead. Furthermore, knowing what to eat for weight training is not enough for you to be able to gain weight successfully - you must also have a thorough knowledge of the best exercises to perform during your weight training exercises.

Only Remember Two Things for a Six Pack

The six pack abs achievement is something that everyone wants, but very few people actually ever attain. Why is that? Well, it's really hard! It takes great discipline and effort to get them. Most people just get frustrated and give up on them after a few months of trying. But, if you know what you're doing, you'll be much more likely to actually get great abs. Getting six pack abs pretty much boils down to two main points. Stick to these two guidelines, and I guarantee you'll have great abs soon!
Only Remember Two Things for a Six Pack
The first thing to remember is that diet is absolutely essential for your abs. I'd say that what you eat is almost more important then doing regular ab exercises. It is so often underestimated when really the kind of food you're eating makes all the difference in having abs or not. So, what kind of diet do you need to follow to get good abs? It's not rocket science, I'll say that. It's pretty much common sense. Eat healthy, and stay away from lots of carbs and fat.
When I say eat healthy I mean you need to have at least 4-5 servings of fruits and veggies everyday. Stick with leafy green vegetabls high in fiber and other nutrients. For your protein in your meals, you want to have lean meats, like turkey, chicken and fish. Do not eat a lot of red meat, as that has a higher fat content. Eggs are also good to eat for a source of protein. Protein supplements can also be a good thing; take a supplement of protein once or twice and day and that will keep your muscles fueled with the protein they need to build themselves up.
If you keep your diet low in fat, you are going to lose fat from your midsection (when you're exercising regularly) and that is what gets you the six pack. Everyone has the muscles there, it's just that most people have too much fat covering them up.
The second guideline for six pack abs is to stick to ab exercises and cardio exercise at least 3 times a week. This way, you are getting your heart rate up and burning calories. You don't need to do a ton of abs exercises; really, like 2-3 different exercises with a a few sets of each will be enough. Consistency is the important thing, as they must be performed on a regular basis to stay strong and lean.
Follow these two guidelines and you will be well on your way to a great stomach that turns heads!

How to Lose Weight - Lose Fat Keep Muscle

Most people think that if they do some weight lose exercise, they will also lose their muscles. This is never true because fat and muscle are not the same. You can also lose muscles when trying to lose weight if you are not doing it the wrong way.
Below are some ways in which you can experience muscle loss during weight loss programs:
How to Lose Weight - Lose Fat Keep Muscle
1. Weight training: This helps for easy loss of body fat, but if you do it too often without allowing your muscle to rest, your will experience muscle loss. You must rest for 24 hours after each weight training routine to allow your body to rest, else you will continue to injure your muscle and allow no time for healing and growth.
2. Eating a wrong diet: A good diet that supports weight loss and body building should consist of 60 percent protein, 20 percent carbohydrate, 5 percent fat and 15 percent of vitamins and minerals. If you avoid any of the above mentioned food nutrient, you may begin to experience loss of muscles. Also if you eat too much of any of the above food nutrient, you will find it very difficult to lose weight.
3. Doing Exercises with a wrong posture: This is one of the main reason why most muscle builders find it difficult to build their muscles even with all the time them spend on routines. If you want to become a successful muscle builder, you must learn how to do your routines in the right position. As a beginner get the assistance of an expert Muscle Building trainer and learn the right posture slowly.
4. Decrease in Body Metabolism: One of the major catalysts in losing body fat and building huge muscles is increasing your body metabolism rate. This is why it is recommended to drink lots of water when undergoing weight lose or a Muscle Building programs.
5. Eating of Processed foods: Processes foods also know as junk foods are not good for your body as they contain so many chemicals which are used as preservatives, these chemicals helps to increase your body fat. Most people are overweight all over the world because they always eat junk foods. They eat processed foods because they are too lazy to prepare their meals or they don't have much time for cooking. If you want to lose weight, it is recommended that you spend some time to prepare your meals yourself.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Exercises + Tips For A Complete Shoulder Workout

One of the most visually appealing muscle groups is the deltoids or shoulder. When fully developed the shoulders add width to your upper body and create the v-taper of the body down to your waistline. The shoulder is split into three parts: the front, side and rear deltoids. Training the shoulders is different to other parts of the body in some respect as there is more to it than just creating huge cannonball delts, there is also some priority to create proportion and symmetry in the shoulder muscles.
Personally the effect on training shoulders is a different feeling to other parts of the body. I can hardly ever achieve a pump or DOMS. For me the shoulders have always just felt sore and because of this it is a difficult muscle to learn about training from experience. To make sure you have all bases covered when you are working out your shoulders make sure to include these exercises.
Complete Shoulder Workout
Dumbbell Shoulder Press
As always form is the most important part of any exercise. Shoulder presses begin at shoulder height with one dumbbell in each hand and then lifted over your head and touch them together and then lower them again. Dumbbell shoulder pressing adds more range to the movement than with a barbell although both are fine to do. Keep in mind not all the shoulder muscles are being used only the front and side are being actively worked in this movement. This is why variety is especially important in a shoulder routine.
Military/Push/Machine Press
Similar to the dumbbell shoulder press all three of these are the same movement in a slightly different way. They are however performed with a barbell. Any press is done with the hands wide on a barbell held slightly above the chest and then raised over the head to full extension and down again. The military press is performed sitting down, the machine press done either on a specific machine or smith machine and the push press is done standing up. The push press is good to use to add in extra reps as you can use the bounce off your legs to add momentum to the lift. All the press exercises again work only the front and side deltoids.
Front Dumbbell Raises
A simple exercise to build size for the front deltoid. Holding the dumbbell raise one arm from the waist at the front of your body and raise is over your head whilst keep the elbow locked out or slightly bent. This will give a nice pump and very sore feeling immediately afterwards.
Lateral Cable/Dumbbell /Machine Raises
The idea here is to build the side delt which gives the rounded look to a shoulder. With a dumbbell held in one arm at the side of the body raise it in a wide arc to above shoulder height and back down. This can be done seated or standing; the seated position adds stability to the movement and reduces cheating. For the cable movement it can be done across the body as if you were drawing a sword.
Bent-Over Dumbbell/Cable Laterals
You might have noticed a neglect of the rear deltoid muscle in this article. Being creative in working your rear delt is a good idea as there are limited options so find the exercise that works for you. One of the biggest mistakes you can make when building up shoulder size is to put little priority into the rear delt. Doing few sets at the end of the workout is a bad idea as it likely be out of proportion with the rest of your shoulder. Starting your shoulder routine with rear delt exercises is a good idea to ensure they receive a good workout.
This can be done seated or standing and involves bending over close to a ninety degree angle. Holding the cables or dumbbells in each hand at the same time raise the weights from a relaxed position out the side in an arc motion. The movement resembles a reverse dumbbell fly and really works the rear delt hard. With the cable exercise have the cables crossed in the starting position and maintain a straight arm to ensure emphasis on the rear delt.
There you have a number of shoulder exercises to get you going in the gym. Remember though when it comes to shoulder training mixing it up, form and ensuring you hit all parts of the deltoid muscles is important.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Top 5 Hamstring Exercises - The Overlooked Muscle

The most common overlooked muscle group for bodybuilders is the hamstring. The hamstring is often referred to the leg biceps for composing two primary muscles and they are situated at the back of the thigh. Exercises that primarily target the hamstring are few and far between with more of the hamstring used as a supporting muscle in a number of movements.
Top 5 Hamstring Exercises
Hamstring Curls
These are the best direct exercise for growing the hamstring. Hamstring curls are able to be done lying, sitting or standing. Using one leg at a time is an option for evening out the muscles. Keeping good form is essential when performing the leg curl. I have found stretching the hamstrings between leg curl sets keeps the muscle from cramping.
Straight-Leg Deadlifts
This movement works the hamstrings as well as the lower back and glutes. Standing straight with the barbell held in front, bend down keeping the knees back and lower the weight to the floor and back up all the while keeping the back straight. This movement pulls heavily on the hamstring and a full stretch should be felt when done correctly. Performing this exercise at the end of a hamstring workout is a good idea or using light weight to warm up with.
Squats are the cornerstone exercise for leg development. Every prominent bodybuilder in history has incorporated squats into their leg program. All muscle in the leg is being stimulated and the hamstring is one the secondary muscles involved in the movement. Squatting is the biggest mass builder second only perhaps to the deadlift so should be part of everyone's workout program regardless.
Leg Presses
The modified squat. Leg pressing allows for a greater amount of weight to be added to the leg pressing movement. Whilst the quads are fatigued primarily, the hamstrings are involved in the exercise. Brining the knees back to the chest for the greatest range of movement and pushing until locking out the knees. An alternate move is to stop just before lockout to keep the quads active.
Using dumbbells or a barbell the lunge is just like walking but dropping the trailing knee to the floor and back up again to a standing position. The whole leg receives a strong burn, the glutes and quads are mostly used but the hamstring assists the leg.
These 5 exercises are the best hamstring builders. Hamstrings should never be overlooked as they are almost always underdeveloped compared to the quad and rest of the leg. Think of working the hamstrings as the bicep for the arm. It represents a large part of the physique.

Bench Presses or Push-Ups: Which Is More Effective?

Bodybuilders, physical fitness trainers and gym aficionados have long debated on which is the better exercise to build a well-defined chest - push-ups or bench presses? Let us take a look at both sides of this persistent argument.
Proponents of this type of exercise have claimed that this is more effective in building up the chest (as well as the entire upper body) than the bench press.
When performed correctly, it can not only strengthen and build up your pectorals, deltoids and abdominal muscles, it can also strengthen and increase stability in the muscles that support your spine and back.
Push-up proponents have also stated that the bench press - being an isolation exercise - does not work the core muscles hard enough since you have the bench providing adding support to both the core and the back. Another advantage is that it allows for corrections of imbalances in posture. This occurs whenever the shoulder blades are retracted and depressed toward the spine, thus promoting a straight and upright posture.
Probably a point against push-ups is that you cannot put on as much resistance when compared to adding weights for the other one. Proponents have claimed, however, that it is possible to create resistance by having a spotter or a gym buddy sit on your back. Or you can use an exercise tubing or resistance band which you wrap around your waist while you hold the ends in your hands. However, with this method, you cannot gauge the amount of resistance nor can you increase it by exact increments, as what can be done with the one with weights.
Bench Press
Like the push-ups, bench presses are very effective in building up the upper body. In fact, proponents claim that this is better than the push-up in building up the pectoral, deltoid and abdominal muscles.
Contrary to what is claimed by push-up supporters, you can also develop your core muscles through bench presses. This is accomplished through observing proper form in performing this exercise, specifically making sure that you contract your abs and arch your lower back slightly as you push up the barbell. Also, much like the push-up the bench press can also correct posture imbalances because you also squeeze your shoulder blades toward your spine. In fact, comparatively speaking, the bench press is safer to perform because the bench is supporting the lower back.
What makes this more effective exercise is its use of free weights. Using barbells and dumbbells will give you greater range of motion and varying degrees of difficulty depending upon the type of grip that you use in holding the weights. Of course, unlike push-ups, you have the advantage of being able to increase the weights that you lift. This form of incremental resistance training is what promotes greater muscle growth stimulation.
Which is Better?
While both these two have their own merits and demerits, it is still advisable to include these two exercises in a muscle building regimen. However, if it is upper body bulk and strength that you want to attain, it is best to concentrate more on bench presses.

How to Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally

Chiselled jaw line, broad shoulders, muscular build, facial hair, a deep voice, and a high cheek bone are just some of the handful of characteristics associated with a man who has high testosterone levels. In general they are a manlier man, somebody strong and healthy.
It is therefore no shock that women are more attractive to these men, as they show characteristics of a sexual partner who can provide healthy offspring. As a result these are more likely to be successful at reproducing. So it comes as no surprise why thousands of men wish to know how to increase testosterone levels, after all it is what makes a man a man.
This article will provide you with information to do just that but also cover, symptoms of low testosterone levels, benefits of increasing levels but more importantly how to increase them.
How to Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally
You should seek to increase testosterone levels only if they are low. It is true that you can have too much of a good thing and testosterone is no exception. How to increase testosterone levels need not be read if you already have high levels. Signs that you may already possess high testosterone include: increased muscle size, road rage, aggressive behaviour, mood swings, acne, insomnia and headaches. If you have any one of these issues or more, then eating soy could help reduce your testosterone. The list is endless of foods that contain soy so do not panic.
Firstly let us take a look at symptoms of men with low testosterone (If you suffer from one or more of the following symptoms then I advise to visit a Doctor).
Reduced sex drive
Erectile dysfunction
Sleeping problems
Losing muscle and strength
Weak bones
Poor memory
Increase in body fat
Mood problems
How to increase testosterone:
Get a minimum of 8 hours sleep per night
Reduce your stress levels (walking, yoga, listen to music, laugh and meditate)
Avoid soya
Quit smoking
Consume cruciferous vegetables (Broccoli, Cauliflower, Kale, Turnips, Brussels and Watercress)
Eat animal protein.
Cut down on the alcohol
Try taking a zinc supplement
Have more sex
Lift weights (lift weights around 3 times a week, use compound exercises like squats, deadlifts and bench press)
uphill sprinting (sprint for 8 seconds at a time)
Lose weight (this should be done gradually)
Eat healthy fats. (almonds, walnuts, olive oil, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds)
Do not consumer too much fibre
Make sure you consume more carbohydrates than protein
Benefits of high testosterone:
Higher energy levels
Increased muscle size
Better memory
Higher sperm count
Helps prevent depression and stress
Increased bone density
Less likely to experience a heart attack
This article on ''How to increase testosterone levels naturally'' may help you increase your levels by following the advice above.

6 Myths To A Six Pack Everybody Believes

You won't get a chiseled six pack believing folk lore. Well, maybe if you're extremely lucky. But let's get real. Doing 1000 crunches every day just doesn't jive with human biology.
Myth 1: Abs Exercises Burn Love Handles
Another word for this is "spot reduction" and it's an old myth that is... well, a myth. The assumption behind it is that if someone works out a particular muscle that the fat around that muscle will be reduced. As in, somehow the fat layered on top of that muscle will get sucked into or eaten by the muscle underneath. Fat loss doesn't work that way. Body fat on different parts of the body gets used up in whatever order the body is genetically wired to. Normally, though, the fat around the waist is the last to go.
6 Myths To A Six Pack Everybody Believes
The best way to achieve healthy fat loss is and always will be by achieving a caloric deficit. The key to create that caloric deficit through exercising... NOT by starving. Lifting weights and doing cardio is what is meant by 'exercise'.
Myth 2: Abdominal Muscles Are Different From The Rest
Abs are pretty much the same as the rest of the muscles of your body. That means you have to work them out the same way you'd work out your chest or back. Working them out and giving them time to rebuild.
Myth 3: You Will Have Symmetrical Abs Like The Type You See On Models
This is totally genetic. You may never have the abs that a *certain* fitness model has simply because your abs aren't structured that way.
The variation can look pretty cool instead of the same boring symmetrical 6 pack we see so often. Australia is even banning models who are too thin or men who are too muscular from their advertising to preserve a healthy image of beauty for their society. They've even banned a certain large degree of digitally retouching the photos of models in ads. It's an effort to keep the image of women in magazines realistic.
Myth 4: A Low Carbohydrate Is a MUST
If your body is craving carbs you could be doing more damage to your healthy and goals in the long run. Some of the short term benefits of low carb diets include controlling hunger and reducing water retention. However these benefits don't outweigh the potential consequences.
Myth 5: Extra Cardio Is Needed To Get Results
It's possible to burn fat just as, or more efficiently without any cardio at all. All that is required is a weight training regimen and tight diet.
Myth 6: Once A Visible 6 Pack Is Achieved Your Work Is Done
The battle is indeed over. But now there these is a need to maintain your abs. If you simply go back to your old way of eating, your abs will quickly get covered up again. At this point it's easier to maintain your abs once you've got them since all you're doing is maintaining them.

Reasons Why You May Have Trouble Building Muscle

With all the talk about how to build muscle, it is equally important to talk about how to lose mass. This is a very important subject because a lot of people attempt fitness with inadequate knowledge. The simplest explanation to how you can lose muscle is to do some of the opposite of what you do to build muscle. That would be to lower your intake of protein. If you do not get enough protein then you will start to lose muscle.
Reasons Why You May Have Trouble Building Muscle
Another ingredient that is crucial to the maintenance of muscle tissue is carbohydrates. Carbohydrates is a the body's main source of energy. When the body is not getting enough carbohydrates it will go for the muscle tissue. The body needs more energy to keep muscle than it does to keep fat. If you are on a low carbohydrate diet, then you are at risk of losing muscle mass. Carbohydrates spare the muscle.
One factor that is very crucial to muscle is training. If you are not training your body in an adequate way, that could result in muscle loss as well. If you are strictly into cardiovascular exercises, your body's muscle mass will be reduced. If you want to build or maintain muscle, you have to incorporate strength training in your workout.
One factor that is guaranteed to result in muscle loss is crash dieting. This is the type of dieting that is dangerous and unhealthy. Some types of crash dieting include going days without eating. If you go for days without eating, you will lose weight. A lot of that weight will be water weight and muscle weight. Due to massive muscle loss, your body's metabolism will slow down and you will start to feel symptoms such as weakness and confusion. Other types of diets which include the Atkins diet can also result in muscle loss. Even if you eat a lot of protein, eating an inadequate amount of carbohydrates will put you at risk for losing muscle.
While losing muscle is normally considered bad, there are some people who do want to lose muscle. It is often because they find themselves to be too to do certain movements. The best way to lose muscle is to not use your muscles. Let it rest. The body will start taking the muscle to use for energy. Eating less protein and carbohydrates and lifting less weights is a quick way to lose muscle.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Does Protein Powder Have Side Effects?

Lots of people are health conscious now and strive to maximize their health via correct diet and exercise. One of the most used tools in the goal to become as healthy as possible are protein shakes, especially with bodybuilders and athletes. However many people wonder exactly what they are doing to their body by drinking many grams of highly processed protein every day.
Does Protein Powder Have Side Effects
Fortunately most people will not experience any side effects when consuming a typical amount of protein on a daily basis. By usual I mean around 1 or 2 shakes. This will result in around 50 to 70 grams of protein consumed from protein powder which your body can easily handle. Although there are athletes out there that ingest hundreds of grams of protein powder in protein shakes on a daily basis. Will these people experience any side effects?
Well to start we have to realize the possible side effects of protein. Most protein is made from egg, milk or soy sources with milk being the main ingredient found in whey protein. It just so happens that these three foods are some of the most allergenic. So you could probably have side effects from drinking protein powder on that basis alone.
Also for those that are eating large quantities of protein there is a definite risk of kidney stones. Many people that have experienced kidney stones describe it as being one of the most horrible things that they have ever been through so you really want to avoid getting them if possible. So if you eat excessive amounts of protein you will also want to ingest a lot of water as well. This will help flush out your kidneys to avoid the stones from forming.
Another possible protein powder side effect is an increase of the acidity of your blood. This happens because of the over consumption of protein and your body will have to reduce the acidity of your blood by increasing calcium levels. Where does this calcium come from? Why your bones of course. So this will increase your chances of breaking a bone and also forming kidney stones. Ouch.
So in summary protein powder is basically safe but as with anything else done in excess it can have side effects. To avoid any side effects just consume the manufacturers recommended serving size and you will lower your probability. Your body can only ingest 40 grams of protein at a time anyway so you will prevent wasting your protein as well.

How to Get Big Biceps - Four Simple Exercises to Build Big Biceps

Quite simply put, I think biceps are a joy to train for just about anyone and I believe the reason for this is because the pump feeling you get from training them is unlike any other muscle. Biceps are not that difficult to train and there is no need to try complicating things for yourself. The following are four basic and very simple bicep exercises you can use to develop big biceps.
How to Get Big Biceps
Barbell Curls
Performing barbell curls is one of the best exercises you can do to develop those bicep muscles. Barbell curls enable you to use a range of grip widths which will all hit different parts of the biceps thus resulting in fuller development. Another good thing about them is that you can gradually add weight to the bar thus causing some degree of overload. If you prefer, you can also use cables to do these curls but they're not quite as effective. However, it's good to throw them into the routine every now and then to mix things up and confuse the muscles a bit.
Dumbbell Curls
Dumbbell curls are an exercise you have to perform if you want to fully develop your biceps because they work the biceps muscles in a unique way. They provide a good mix of an isolation style. Dumbbell curls are pretty easy to understand and perform but a lot of guys tend to struggle with doing them because they are more concerned with trying to use bigger and heavier dumbbells instead of using the appropriate weights and doing them correctly. If you want to get big biceps, pay greater attention to the quality of your exercise instead of the quantity of your weights.
Incline Curls
These are great because they hit the biceps in yet another unique way and isolate the biceps really well. The form of incline curls is easy to put into practice and they will stretch your bicep muscles in a way that no other exercise will. For this reason, it is extremely important to make sure your biceps are properly warmed up before you perform them otherwise you run the risk of straining or pulling your bicep muscles. If you are unlucky enough, you can possibly tear these muscles if you don't warm up; in which case you will end up having to wait a while before you achieve your desired results. Your level of incline with these curls can also be varied so as to ensure fuller bicep development.
Concentration Curls
Concentration curls are a very useful addition to your bicep workout. Due to the fact that they isolate the biceps extremely well, you can really concentrate on using the biceps during the lift without getting as much help from the rest of your body. These curls will give you a really good pump and contraction. The downside of concentration curls is that you won't be able to use as much weight since the exercise is so concentrated on the biceps and the biceps on their own are pretty small muscles compared to certain muscles in other parts of the body.

Why Do Your Crunches Not Give You The Six Pack You Want?

One of the most commonly used exercises by the bodybuilding fraternity is the sit up, also referred to as a crunch. Although there are those who say that crunches and sit-ups are different exercises, their argument being that when correctly performing a crunch your shoulders and upper back should not touch the floor, whereas they do when performing a sit up! Personally, I believe they are the same exercise except that one is more extended than the other.
The theoretic principles have already been highlighted as to what this type of exercise can do for you. However, irrespective of these theories many individuals working hard to get six pack abs still have a really hard time getting them to a level that they are truly satisfied with.
Crunches Not Give You The Six Pack
Many people, especially men, would give anything just to have a muscular physique and a set of six pack abs that can attract much attention. This is because they believe that bodybuilding will not only help them gain respect from their peers but will also help them attract women.
It is for those reasons that so many have tried "empty" bodybuilding workouts and diets that are widely available. However, because not all of the products and bodybuilding programs on the market are designed to suit every individual's needs, there is often a problem with the results. Often, you can usually find people who complain of poor results during and after they have used these products and programs having completed the bodybuilding routines.
The main reason that many individuals do not get the six pack abs they want, despite performing the exercises daily, is usually down to the methods being used and how the exercises are being performed. In other words, they may not have been correctly instructed. Because of this, they will never benefit from the exercises, even if they are doing them everyday with multiple repetitions and sets.
Another factor that is worth looking into is the fact that you have to designate a definite number of repetitions and sets that need to be performed on certain days and periods. If you plan and execute these factors correctly, you have a good chance of getting the six pack abs you desire and this is even if you do not perform a hundred repetitions and sets of the crunches, or the sit ups.
Performing the Perfect Crunch
To perform crunches correctly, you have to make sure that you are lying on a stable and firm surface. You should also make sure that you are in a symmetrical position before you start and whilst performing the exercise, doing so will ensure that you can target the correct muscle group during your workout.
The best starting position for this exercise is known as the hook position. To start with you should have your arms crossed over your chest. This will ensure that you can fully control your movements. You should also avoid holding your neck in a neutral position for the entire exercise this is so you avoid straining it and it will also help in focusing your movements towards trunk flexion, it is this vital trunk flexion that you have to do repeatedly to attain the six pack abs that you want. The general rule of thumb for the number of sit ups or crunches you need to do in any one session is three sets, each of ten repetitions.